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Fat reduction with Ultrasonic cavitation or Laser therapy is effective. However, it can only reduce fat on the area that is treated. During one session, it is not possible to treat the entire body.

Both methods are beneficial, but there are situations where we would recommend one over the other, or possibly a combination of the two.

Laser safely penetrates the skin at a specific wavelength (650nm) targeted for Adipose (Fat) cells. Adipose cells are permeated, releasing free fatty acids (FFA`s), water and glycerol. Together, these compounds are known as Triglycerides, which are normally released from fat cells when the body needs energy. Once released the glycerol and free fatty acids are used by the body as an energy source. Adipose cells shrink significantly resulting in inch loss.

A Laser Lipo procedure can be completed in just 40 minutes and positive results can be seen INSTANTLY after just one treatment. To secure the best results a course of 8 treatments is recommended. Your actions post session determines the success of this treatment.

The Lipo Laser’s non-invasive treatment is considered one of the most innovative methods to treat stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. It is known as the laser BCS (body contouring system) World wide. Laser Lipo treatments help create a new and improved look without any pain or discomfort instantly.

Most people are familiar with liposuction and some with the newer ‘Smart Lipo’ procedure. Laser Lipo however has some advantages over these due to the fact that there is no need for either local or general anaesthetics.

Exercise or a 10 minute Whole Body Vibration session is recommended immediately post Lipo Laser treatments to burn FFA`s within the body and help stimulate the lymphatic system. Research has also shown that cavitation treatment carried out both prior and post laser lipo will in fact improve the results by first softening the fat cells prior to liposuction and then helping to even out the treated area afterwards.